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GENYOUth Youth Insights Survey

WE HELPED #MAKEADIFFERENCE by engaging youth to share their voices whileusing research and advocacy to help amplify youth voice in building healthy school communities.


Youth engagement and needs have always driven GENYOUth’s programming, but beginning in 2018, GENYOUth wanted to connect more directly with the passionate and engaged youth they serve. Surveys and other tools had already given GENYOUth the presence of youth voice in their data, butthere remained an opportunity for youth voice to have an active presence in designing and implementing programming.

A SURVEY ON TIMELY TOPICS CustomED designed and implemented a wide-ranging communications strategy that not only promoted the availability of the Youth Insights Survey, but directly developed connections with the respondents themselves.Through focus groups, email communications, and strategic planning, the Youth Insight Survey has grown year after year to better reflect and advocate for the populations we serve.These connections allowed CustomED to not only record and transmit answers, but actively champion and support youth voice in the discussions that shape youth experience. Through focus groups, email communications, and strategic planning, the Youth Insights driving to the heart of the issues that matter most.conversationdriving to the heart of the issues that matter most. THE IMPACT The topics covered in the Youth Insights Survey have ranged from sustainable nutrition to the importance of sleep to the impact of COVID-19 on teens. In addition to uncovering middle and high school students’ perspectives on the health and wellness concerns facing their generation, the reports and publications generated from these surveys circulate between current and potential funders, educators, and the health and wellness community; all bringing youth voice to the decisions that affect them.



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Collingswood, NJ



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