WE HELPED #MAKEADIFFERENCE by supporting Capital Area R.E.A.C.H. for over 6 years by designing, managing, and leading semester-long job training and internship placement experience. CustomED developed original workshop materials, coordinated event logistics, and supported student placement.

INSPIRING DC’S YOUTH TO EXCEL IN COLLEGE AND THE WORKFORCE Capital Area R.E.A.C.H. tasked CustomED with helping to identify and support underserved, often first-generation, young people in the D.C. Metro area to receive the experiences, skills, and knowledge needed to excel in college and enter the workforce successfully. TRAINING AND INTERNSHIP PROGRAM The R.E.A.C.H. Job Training and Internship program provides extensive job training and internships for many high school and college students each year. The training takes place over an entire semester and, following successful completion of the training, students are placed in a variety of diverse internships. THE IMPACT Over 400 high school and college students completed the semester-long job training program, with more than half participating in short-term internships.